Admissions Information

To apply for a school place for a student in Year 7 to 11 applications will need to be made directly with the Local Authority, East Sussex, who will co-ordinate the application process.  Details regarding the arrangements are contained in the booklet, Admissions to Schools East Sussex. A copy of this can be obtained from the Schools Admission Section, Education Department, PO Box 4, County Hall, St Anne’s Crescent, Lewes, East Sussex, BN7 1SG.  

Our current pupil admission number (PAN) for Year 7, 8 9 and 10 is 180 and Year 11 is 150 and in year applications can be made throughout the year. To apply for a Year 7 place for September 2025 the deadline is 31st October 2024.  All applications should be made directly with the LEA online:

Parents may find it helpful to know that, if there are insufficient places available to meet demand, these will be allocated to children in accordance with the following list of priorities.

  1. Looked after children and previously looked after children

  2. Children who have specific medical needs, social needs and special needs students without a statement naming the Academy where the application is supported by written supporting evidence

  3. Children who live in the community area and are siblings of students who attend the Academy

  4. Children of staff

  5. Other children who live in the community area

  6. Children living outside our community area who are on roll at one of the local feeder schools

  7. Children who live outside the community area and are siblings of students who attend the school

  8. Other children who live outside the catchment area

In the case of oversubscription, priority is given to applicants who live nearest the Academy measured by a straight line from the Academy to the child’s home address, using Ordnance Survey address point data.

National Decision Day is Wednesday 1st March 2025.

Appeals Deadline 

For students applying for secondary school September 2025, the appeal submission deadline is 31st March 2025 and appeals will be heard throughout May until mid June 2025.

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